Copyright & Disclaimer
Van Hoof & Van Hoof Produkties B.V.
Van Hoof & Van Hoof Produkties B.V.
This website provides general information about the services of Van Hoof and Van Hoof Produkties B.V. However, no rights can be derived from this website. Despite the care and accuracy with which the information is compiled, we cannot guarantee that this information is always complete and up to date.
Van Hoof and Van Hoof Produkties B.V. reserves the right to make corrections and changes to the information, logos, and images without prior notice. Our website contains many elements that are protected by intellectual property rights belonging to Van Hoof and Van Hoof Produkties B.V. For example, the project descriptions, texts and photos on our website are copyrighted. Therefore, it is not permitted to copy and/or publish parts of this site without permission.